
See my Google scholar profile for the complete list.

This list was last updated on April 3, 2020.

Near-Optimal Reactive Synthesis Incorporating Runtime Information. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2020.

Convexified contextual optimization for on-the-fly control of smooth systems. Proceedings of the American Control Conference (ACC), 2020.

Voronoi Partition-based Scenario Reduction for Fast Sampling-based Stochastic Reachability Computation of Linear Systems. Proceedings of the American Control Conference (ACC), 2019.

The Maximal Hitting-Time Stochastic Reachability Problem. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2019.

SReachTools: A MATLAB stochastic reachability toolbox: demo abstract. Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control (HSCC), 2019.

SReachTools: a MATLAB stochastic reachability toolbox. Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control (HSCC), 2019.

Sampling-free enforcement of non-gaussian chance constraints via fourier transforms. Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Symbolic-Numeric methods for Reasoning about CPS and IoT, 2019.

Predicting Mode Confusion Through Mixed Integer Linear Programming. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2019.

Piecewise-Affine Approximation-Based Stochastic Optimal Control with Gaussian Joint Chance Constraints. Proceedings of the American Control Conference (ACC), 2019.

Optimal Coverage Control and Stochastic Multi-Target Tracking. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2019.

ARCH-COMP19 Category Report: Stochastic Modelling. International Workshop on Applied Verification of Continuous and Hybrid Systems (ARCH), 2019.

Affine controller synthesis for stochastic reachability via difference of convex programming. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2019.

Stochastic reachability of a target tube: Theory and computation. arXiv preprint arXiv:1810.05217, 2018.

Stochastic Motion Planning Using Successive Convexification and Probabilistic Occupancy Functions. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2018.

Scalable Underapproximative Verification of Stochastic LTI Systems using Convexity and Compactness. Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control (HSCC), 2018.

Probabilistic Occupancy Function and Sets Using Forward Stochastic Reachability for Rigid-Body Dynamic Obstacles. arXiv preprint arXiv:1803.07180, 2018.

Optimal trade-off analysis for efficiency and safety in the spacecraft rendezvous and docking problem. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 2018.

Multiple Pursuer-Based Intercept via Forward Stochastic Reachability. Proceedings of the American Control Conference (ACC), 2018.

Lagrangian Approximations for Stochastic Reachability of a Target Tube. arXiv preprint arXiv:1810.07118, 2018.

ARCH-COMP18 Category Report: Stochastic Modelling. International Workshop on Applied Verification of Continuous and Hybrid Systems (ARCH), 2018.

Underapproximation of reach-avoid sets for discrete-time stochastic systems via Lagrangian methods. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2017.

Forward stochastic reachability analysis for uncontrolled linear systems using Fourier Transforms. Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control (HSCC), 2017.

Dynamic risk tolerance: Motion planning by balancing short-term and long-term stochastic dynamic predictions. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2017.

Computation of forward stochastic reach sets: Application to stochastic, dynamic obstacle avoidance. Proceedings of the American Control Conference (ACC), 2017.

Aerial Suppression of Airborne Platforms (ASAP): Coordinated Capture of a Threat UAS via Stochastic Reachability.. 2017.

Viable set approximation for linear-Gaussian systems with unknown, bounded variance. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2016.

Validation of cognitive models for collaborative hybrid systems with discrete human input. Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2016.

User-interface design for MIMO LTI human-automation systems through sensor placement. Proceedings of the American Control Conference (ACC), 2016.

Reachable Set Computation and Tracking with Multiple Pursuers for the ASAP Counter-UAS Capability.. 2016.

Deterministic Attitude Estimation. Multisensor Attitude Estimation: Fundamental Concepts and Applications, 2016.

A Deterministic Attitude Estimation Using a Single Vector Information and Rate Gyros. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 2015.