
Safety under uncertainty and constraints

Providing guarantees of safety and synthesis of admissible controllers for stochastic dynamical systems using optimization, Fourier transforms, and computational geometry

SReachTools: A MATLAB Toolbox for stochastic reachability computation

A repeatability-tested, open-source, MATLAB toolbox for scalable stochastic reachability computation for stochastic linear systems

Stochastic motion planning via probabilistic occupancy function

A sampling-free estimation of collision probability and motion planning using successive convexification

Stochastic target capture via forward stochastic reachability

A grid-free, recursion-free, and sampling-free estimation of events with convexity guarantees

Spacecraft rendezvous problem

Demonstration of stochastic reachability analysis

Probabilistic occupancy via forward stochastic reachability

A grid-free, recursion-free, and sampling-free estimation of events with convexity guarantees